Physical Counselling schedule |
The physical counselling for IDC and VAC to the students who did not attend the first counselling is scheduled on 25.01.2024 in the Auditorium of department of Chemistry, PUC at 10:00 am. Please inform all the concerned and note that this is the last counselling. |
Dated: 23/01/2024 |
1. | 20/02/2025 | Mid semester Examination date sheet (March 2025) |
2. | 30/01/2025 | Allocation List-2 |
3. | 23/01/2025 | Allocation List - 1 |
4. | 16/01/2025 | Schedule of physical counselling (IDC and VAC) |
5. | 14/01/2025 | Timetable even semester |
6. | 14/01/2025 | Revised proforma for filling choices |
7. | 13/01/2025 | Seats distribution for IDC and VAC (BSc I Sem II) |
8. | 13/01/2025 | Proforma BSc I for IDC and VAC (EVEN SEM) |
9. | 13/01/2025 | Centralized timetable 2024-25 (EVEN SEM) |
10. | 14/11/2024 | Date sheet for Reappear Dec 2024 (Sem I and Sem III under CBCS) |
11. | 07/11/2024 | Centralized date sheet - End semester Exam 2024 |
12. | 07/11/2024 | Centralized date sheet - Special Chance (CBCS system) |
13. | 04/11/2024 | Date sheet for special chance Nov 2024 |
14. | 04/10/2024 | Allocation 30-09-2024 |
15. | 25/09/2024 | Final allocation List 25-09-2024 |
16. | 19/09/2024 | Allocation schedule -3 |
17. | 17/09/2024 | Mid semester Examination date sheet (Oct 2024) |
18. | 13/09/2024 | Allocation List (BSc I Sem I) 12-09-2024 |
19. | 13/09/2024 | Allocation List (BSc II Sem III) 12-09-2024 |
20. | 04/09/2024 | Schedule for Physical Counselling (BSc I and BSc II) 10-09-2024 |
21. | 30/08/2024 | Proforma BSc I (Counselling - 2) |
22. | 30/08/2024 | Revised Timetable BSc I Sem I |
23. | 27/08/2024 | Revised Venue for DES-VAC-1 |
24. | 20/08/2024 | Details of Venue for the various classes (BSc I Sem I) |
25. | 20/08/2024 | Allocation List -1 (BSc I Sem I) 14-08-2024 |
26. | 20/08/2024 | Time table (BSc I and BSc II) Odd semester 2024-25 |
27. | 13/08/2024 | Schedule for Physical Counselling (BSc I Sem I) 14-08-2024 |
28. | 08/08/2024 | Performa for filling choice (BSc I) |
29. | 08/08/2024 | Seats distribution for Minor, IDC and VAC (BSc I) |
30. | 08/08/2024 | Allocation List-1 (BSc-II) |
31. | 05/08/2024 | Physical Counselling Schedule-BSc II Sem III (06-08-2024) |
32. | 26/07/2024 | Date-sheet Reappear special chance/Reappear |
33. | 26/07/2024 | Framework of BSc (Honours) four-year program under NEP |
34. | 26/07/2024 | Performa for filling choice |
35. | 26/07/2024 | Instructions for filling choices for Minor-3 and IDC-3 (Seats distribution) |
36. | 26/07/2024 | Centralized timetable 2024-25 |
37. | 03/05/2024 | Revised GE4 datesheet for Statistics only |
38. | 10/04/2024 | Date-sheet for Reappear Examination May 2024 |
39. | 09/04/2024 | Revised End semester centralized datesheet for May 2024 |
40. | 29/02/2024 | Revised datesheet - Please ignore previous revision |
41. | 29/02/2024 | Revised centralized datesheet-Mid term March 2024 |
42. | 26/02/2024 | Centralized datesheet Mid sem March 2024 |
43. | 29/01/2024 | Allocation of IDC and VAC List-2 |
44. | 23/01/2024 | Revised Allocation List-1 (IDC, VAC) |
45. | 18/01/2024 | Revised Time table (English contact hours increased) |
46. | 18/01/2024 | Allocation List-1 IDC and VAC |
47. | 15/01/2024 | Schedule of Physical Counselling (16.01.2024) |
48. | 12/01/2024 | Instructions to fill IDC and VAC choices for Sem II |
49. | 15/12/2023 | Link for VAC-Last date 19-12-2023 |
50. | 15/12/2023 | Link for IDC Choices- Last date 19-12-2023 |
51. | 15/12/2023 | Instructions to fill IDC and VAC choices for Sem II |
52. | 25/11/2023 | Datesheet Reappear BSc I Sem I (CBCS) |
53. | 25/11/2023 | Centralized Timetable BSc I Sem II |
54. | 20/11/2023 | Centralized date sheet for End Semester Examination Dec 2023 |
55. | 05/10/2023 | VAC Final List |
56. | 05/10/2023 | Minor Final List |
57. | 05/10/2023 | IDC Final List |
58. | 05/10/2023 | AEC - Final list |
59. | 05/10/2023 | AEC allocation LIST 3 |
60. | 05/10/2023 | IDC ALLOCATION LIST-3 |
61. | 05/10/2023 | VAC ALLOCATION LIST 3 |
62. | 05/10/2023 | MINOR ALLOCATION LIST -3 |
63. | 27/09/2023 | Links for last admission |
64. | 25/09/2023 | Link for IDC - Last date 26-09-2023 |
65. | 25/09/2023 | Centralized Mid Semester Datesheet BSc I Sem I |
66. | 18/09/2023 | IDC ALLOCATION LIST-2 |
67. | 15/09/2023 | Link for IDC-Sciences LAST DATE 16-09-2023 by 10:00 am |
68. | 15/09/2023 | Allocation of VAC List-2 |
69. | 15/09/2023 | MINOR ALLOCATION LIST -2 |
70. | 15/09/2023 | Allocation AEC List - 2 |
71. | 14/09/2023 | IDC ALLOCATION LIST-1 |
72. | 11/09/2023 | Last chance to fill VAC, Minor and AEC options |
73. | 05/09/2023 | Revised Centralized Time Table |
74. | 05/09/2023 | NEW LINK FOR IDC |
75. | 04/09/2023 | Allocation List for VAC (List 1) |
76. | 04/09/2023 | AEC allocated (LIST-1) |
77. | 04/09/2023 | Centralized Time table BSc I Sem I 2023-24 |
78. | 02/09/2023 | MINOR LIST-1 with revised entries (Highlighted in yellow) |
79. | 02/09/2023 | Details of Department Coordinators for NEP courses |
80. | 02/09/2023 | MINOR ALLOCATION LIST-1 |
81. | 02/09/2023 | LINKS FOR FILLING PREFERENCE- LAST DATE 02-09-2023 |
82. | 31/08/2023 | LINKS FOR FILLING PREFERENCE- LAST DATE 31-08-2023 (12 NOON) |
83. | 24/08/2023 | NEP_Sciences guidelines |
84. | 04/08/2023 | GE-3 Allocation Revised List |
85. | 29/07/2023 | Datesheet Special Chance August |
86. | 29/07/2023 | GE3 Allocation List 1 |
87. | 02/06/2023 | Centralized Time table BSc II Sem III and IV 2023-24 |
88. | 16/05/2023 | Rescheduling of GE4 |
89. | 16/05/2023 | Special Chance Ongoing Odd Semester Examination |
90. | 12/04/2023 | Centralized date sheet Even Semester (May 2023) |
91. | 01/03/2023 | Mid semester date sheet March 2023 |
92. | 27/12/2022 | Centralized Time table 2022-23 Even sem |
93. | 21/11/2022 | Mid sem examination_New admissions 2022 only |
94. | 21/11/2022 | Central date sheet for End semester Dec 2022 |
95. | 15/11/2022 | Allocation List 4 |
96. | 20/10/2022 | Revised time for AECC exam scheduled on 26-10-2022 |
97. | 17/10/2022 | Date sheet for Special Chance (for promotion/backlog)_Practicals |
98. | 17/10/2022 | Allocation - 2 Physics and Electronics |
99. | 15/10/2022 | GE Change List 4 |
100. | 15/10/2022 | Allocation List 3 (Biochemistry, Anthropology and Physics) |
101. | 15/10/2022 | Special Chance Reappear Exam datesheet (Credit requirement and Backlog clearance) |
102. | 10/10/2022 | Allocation List 3 (Maths and Biophysics) |
103. | 07/10/2022 | GE allocation 2 (after 4th counselling) |
104. | 07/10/2022 | Change in GE1 subjects _List 3 |
105. | 28/09/2022 | Change in GE subjects (List-1) 28-09-2022 |
106. | 27/09/2022 | Allocation List 2 (27-09-2022) |
107. | 19/09/2022 | GE 1 Allocation 19-09-2022 |
108. | 14/09/2022 | List of GE subjects for BSc I year |
109. | 18/08/2022 | Change in GE3 subject 18-08-2022 |
110. | 16/08/2022 | GE3 allocation Revised 16-08-2022 |
111. | 13/08/2022 | GE3 Allocation 13-08-2022 |
112. | 03/08/2022 | Information for the allocation of GE3-GE4 courses |
113. | 03/08/2022 | List of GE3 and GE 4 courses-2022 |
114. | 22/07/2022 | Centralized time table for odd Sem 2022-23 |
115. | 15/06/2022 | GE4 practical exam-Rescheduled date 04-07-2022 |
116. | 08/06/2022 | Revised date sheet End Sem June 2022 |
117. | 07/06/2022 | Centralized date sheet End Sem (June 2022) |
118. | 05/05/2022 | Centralized datesheet for BSc I Sem II Mid Sem Exam (May 2022) |
119. | 02/04/2022 | Mid semester Examination GE4 (May 2021-22) |
120. | 04/03/2022 | Centralized Time table for even semester - OFFLINE MODE |
121. | 01/03/2022 | End semester Examination centralized Date-sheet for BSc I Sem I |
122. | 04/02/2022 | Centralized Time table for even semester 2021-22 |
123. | 04/02/2022 | Date sheet for Mid Semester Examination of B.Sc I Sem I |
124. | 14/01/2022 | GE allotment-additional list 14-01-2022 |
125. | 13/01/2022 | Final list of GE allotment session 2021-22 (B.Sc 1) |
126. | 30/12/2021 | GE Allocation List-2 (Mathematics) |
127. | 30/12/2021 | GE Allocation List-2 |
128. | 11/12/2021 | End semester Examination centralized Date-sheet for GE3 theory |
129. | 02/12/2021 | GE-1 form |
130. | 02/12/2021 | GE Allocation List-I Mathematics Department |
131. | 02/12/2021 | Centralized date sheet of GE3 practical exam (Dec 2021-22) |
132. | 02/12/2021 | GE Allocation List-I |
133. | 17/11/2021 | List of GE papers offered by Departments (2021-22) |
134. | 17/11/2021 | Instructions for data management (For departments) |
135. | 17/11/2021 | Instructions for GE Course allocation (Session 2021-22) |
136. | 15/11/2021 | Mid semester Examination for Batch 2020 |
137. | 04/09/2021 | Final list of GE3 allotment |
138. | 16/08/2021 | Instructions and form for GE3 allotment |
139. | 04/08/2021 | Time table for general elective courses 2021-22 |
140. | 28/04/2021 | Mid semester Examination (Ongoing even semester- May 2021) |
141. | 26/04/2021 | Centralized Time table for even semester |
142. | 28/01/2021 | End semester Examination centralized Date-sheet for GE courses |
143. | 14/01/2021 | Revised List-2 of Reappear students-January 2021 |
144. | 10/01/2021 | Revised list of Reappear students for GE courses (January 2021 Examination) |
145. | 05/01/2021 | List of students for Reappear Examination, January 2021 |
146. | 05/01/2021 | Date sheet for Reappear Examination, January 2021 |
147. | 16/12/2020 | Reappear Examination Schedule for Undergraduate classes |
148. | 05/12/2020 | General Elective (GE) New allocations/GE change 03-12-2020 |
149. | 28/11/2020 | Generic Elective (GE) allocation 6.00 p.m .27.11.20 for information-delayed 20hrs. |
150. | 27/11/2020 | Generic Elective (GE) allocation 3.00p.m .27.11.20 for information |
151. | 26/11/2020 | Generic Elective (GE) allocation 6 p.m .26.11.20 for information |
152. | 26/11/2020 | Generic Elective (GE) allocation 3.00 p.m.,.26.11.20 for information |
153. | 26/11/2020 | Generic Elective (GE) allocation 12 Noon .26.11.20 for information |
154. | 26/11/2020 | REVISED mid-semester exam central datesheet B.Sc (Hons) I sem CBCS 2020 |
155. | 25/11/2020 | Generic Elective (GE) allocation 6.00 p.m.25.11.20 for information |
156. | 24/11/2020 | Generic Elective (GE) related info. for I, III sem B.Sc(Hons)CBCS -2020 students/teachers |
157. | 12/11/2020 | midterm exam B.Sc(Hons)CBCS III sem -Nov 2020 regarding |
158. | 10/11/2020 | cbcs - GE counseling information for newly admitted students (9-12 Nov. 2020) |
159. | 03/11/2020 | GE allocation information to students admitted during 3rd,4th counseling 2020 |
160. | 16/10/2020 | note on AECC english/env.studies class for B.Sc (Hons)CBCS I semester students- cbcs contact info. |
161. | 01/10/2020 | note on GE allocation details to students admitted to B.Sc(Hons) CBCS I, II counseling |
162. | 01/10/2020 | list of GE courses for I Sem B.Sc(Hons)CBCS -2020-v2 |
163. | 09/09/2020 | information regarding GE allocation to B.Sc(HONS)CBCS I sem 2020 |
164. | 04/08/2020 | list of GE courses for III Sem B.Sc(Hons)CBCS Aug-2020-v2 |
165. | 04/08/2020 | central time table - B.Sc(Hons) cbcs - GE courses - August 2020-v2 |
166. | 01/08/2020 | GE allocation instructions for III sem. B.Sc(Hons)CBCS - Aug 2020 |
167. | 28/02/2020 | change of date for mid-term exam- march 2020 |
168. | 24/01/2020 | midterm exam central datesheet B.Sc(Hons) cbcs - March 2020 |
169. | 01/12/2019 | central time table CBCS - January-May 2020 |
170. | 29/11/2019 | 2019-CBCS-GE-reappear exam note |
171. | 26/11/2019 | GE1B- Physics lab exam listing dec 2019 -B.Sc(Hons)CBCS-I SEM |
172. | 25/11/2019 | GE- Physics lab exam listing dec 2019 -B.Sc(Hons)CBCS-III SEM |
173. | 25/11/2019 | GE1A- Physics lab exam listing dec 2019 -B.Sc(Hons)CBCS-I SEM |
174. | 26/10/2019 | central-datesheet -Dec 2019 end-sem exam B.Sc(Hons)CBCS |
175. | 14/10/2019 | rescheduled subsidiary ii sem lower math. sp. chance. sept/oct 2019 |
176. | 14/10/2019 | 14.10.19 reschedule GE english paper sept/oct 2019 |
177. | 10/10/2019 | reschedule GE english paper sept/oct 2019 |
178. | 08/10/2019 | datesheet-3-B.Sc (Hons) old scheme - subsidiary -reappear sp. reappear oct - 2019-campus |
179. | 08/10/2019 | datesheet-2 B.Sc (Hons) old scheme - subsidiary -reappear sp. reappear oct - maths - 2019-campus |
180. | 04/10/2019 | sp. chance. math. subsidiary / GE . central datesheet |
181. | 27/09/2019 | sp.chance.central datesheet-sept-oct2019 |
182. | 19/09/2019 | revised-midterm exam central datesheet B.Sc(Hons) cbcs - oct-2019 |
183. | 13/09/2019 | I semester GE1A, GE1B allocation lists, III sem GE allocation lists |
184. | 09/09/2019 | 9..9.19 GE1 allocation note |
185. | 09/09/2019 | 9.9.19-GE1 allocation form |
186. | 09/09/2019 | 9.9.19-GE1 allocation form |
187. | 01/08/2019 | 1.8.19-GE-math-rescheduled exam new date |
188. | 30/07/2019 | central GE-datesheet -RE-appear exam july/aug 2019.campus |
189. | 30/07/2019 | GE-math-rescheduled exam new date |
190. | 23/07/2019 | B.Sc (Hons) II yr. -CBCS-III sem -GE allocation-2019-changes |
191. | 23/07/2019 | GE practical re-appear exam datesheet -july /aug 2019 |
192. | 22/07/2019 | I sem- B.Sc(Hons) CBCS GE-1 counseling information -July 2019 |
193. | 16/07/2019 | GE-Higher Math- III sem allocation r |
194. | 15/07/2019 | GE1A,GE1B, practical - english - cbcs- re-appear exam date sheet july 2019 |
195. | 10/07/2019 | B.Sc (Hons) II yr. -CBCS-III sem -GE allocation-2019-merit list( CETmerit+I sem marks)-revised |
196. | 09/07/2019 | B.Sc (Hons) II yr. -CBCS-III sem -GE allocation-2019-merit list( CETmerit+I sem marks) |
197. | 08/07/2019 | central time table CBCS - July-December 2019 |
198. | 11/06/2019 | datesheet-6 minor changes -B.Sc (Hons) old scheme - subsidiary -reappear exams june/july 2019-campus |
199. | 06/06/2019 | datesheet-5 minor changes -B.Sc (Hons) old scheme - subsidiary -reappear exams june/july 2019-campus |
200. | 30/05/2019 | note and datesheet(for GE1A,GE1B) Under graduate -reappear exams june/july 2019-campus |
201. | 30/05/2019 | datesheet-4 B.Sc (Hons) old scheme - subsidiary -reappear exams june/july 2019-campus |
202. | 28/05/2019 | datesheet-3 B.Sc (Hons) old scheme - subsidiary -reappear exams june/july 2019-campus |
203. | 26/05/2019 | datesheet-2 B.Sc (Hons) old scheme - subsidiary -reappear exams june/july 2019-campus |
204. | 20/05/2019 | B.Sc(Hons) CBCS-II year July-2019 -GE3 choice form-information |
205. | 20/05/2019 | cbcs-2016-17,2017-18 batch re-appear notice ii- central datesheet |
206. | 18/05/2019 | 2019-may-june-july-reappear datesheet-1-B.Sc(Hons) (major-sub)-old scheme-campus-science |
207. | 10/05/2019 | RE-appear exam notice - may/june/july-2019 |
208. | 01/04/2019 | B.Sc(Hons)(UFHS) central datesheet- end sem exam-May 2019 |
209. | 21/01/2019 | B.Sc(Hons) CBCS-II, IV sem central mid-term datesheet March 2019 |
210. | 07/01/2019 | Central Time Table 2018-19-CBCS II sem, IV sem |
211. | 11/12/2018 | cbcs-old- scheme-reappear GE datesheet for 2016-17,2017-18 batch students |
212. | 14/11/2018 | minor revised -B.Sc(Hons) CBCS- I, III semester -End- Semester central datesheet- Nov. -December 2018 |
213. | 06/11/2018 | B.Sc(Hons) CBCS- I, III semester -End- Semester central datesheet- Nov. -December 2018 |
214. | 10/09/2018 | GE1 A Anthropology |
215. | 28/08/2018 | 28.8.18: New Schedule for Final GE1 Counseling |
216. | 20/08/2018 | 20.8.18 notice regarding GE allocation process |
217. | 14/08/2018 | 2018-New GE Allotment form 2018-19 (14.8.18) |
218. | 10/08/2018 | 2018-GE-information to Depts and students |
219. | 10/08/2018 | 2018-GE Seat Surrender Application Form |
220. | 02/08/2018 | G.E. 1 B |
221. | 20/07/2018 | B.Sc(Hons)I, Ii,IV sem CBCS- re-appear (central)datesheet-July-2018 |
222. | 19/07/2018 | B. Sc Hons CBCS III Semester GE5 students |
223. | 18/07/2018 | cbcs-GE5-counseling for students who could not attend earlier one |
224. | 10/07/2018 | 2018-updated-revised-GE5merit list(10.9.18) |
225. | 09/07/2018 | updated revised GE5 list soon |
226. | 09/07/2018 | Form for GE-Allocation B.Sc(Hons)CBCS I sem 2018-19 |
227. | 09/07/2018 | Note on GE-Allocation B.Sc(Hons)CBCS I sem 2018-19 |
228. | 02/07/2018 | Application Form for GE5 CBCS-III sem-2018 |
229. | 02/07/2018 | Notice for GE5 CBCS-III sem-2018 |
230. | 02/07/2018 | B.Sc(Hons)I, III sem CBCS- re-appear (central)datesheet-July-2018 |
231. | 27/06/2018 | Central Time Table 2018-19-CBCS I sem, III sem |
232. | 10/04/2018 | II sem, IV sem central datesheet- CBCS- May 2018 |
233. | 23/02/2018 | Mid-term II sem, IV sem central datesheet- CBCS- March 2018 |
234. | 27/12/2017 | Jan-May-2018-CBCS-central time table -GE3,GE4,GE6,AECC- teachers/students |
235. | 18/09/2017 | mdi-term-central-datesheet-cbcs-(10-16 Oct-2017) |
236. | 06/09/2017 | CBCS-Sp.Chance-REappear exam (11.9.17-19.9.17)notice |
237. | 02/09/2017 | 4-Sept-GE-Counseling-Schedule |
238. | 30/08/2017 | GE-form-for sept. counseling (revised version) |
239. | 03/08/2017 | (HS) I semester GE1-GE2- counseling instructions |
240. | 16/07/2017 | July-August 2017-Re-appear Exam Date sheet for GE papers- |
241. | 10/07/2017 | 10.07.2017- CBCS-GE5- notice |
242. | 05/07/2017 | GE5 paper allocation procedure - (July-Dec 2017)-CBCS |
243. | 20/04/2017 | Central -End-Sem date sheet - CBCS- II Sem B.Sc ( Honours) courses-May 2017 |
244. | 15/03/2017 | exam date-change of AECC paper |
245. | 07/03/2017 | Central -Mid-term date sheet - CBCS- II Sem B.Sc ( Honours) courses |
246. | 11/01/2017 | GE3-GE4 list -Jan-May-2017 |
247. | 11/01/2017 | central time table Jan-May-2017 |
248. | 27/10/2016 | Central -Mid-term date sheet - CBCS- I Sem B.Sc ( Honours) courses |